Tuesday, April 28, 2020

About me and this blog

Sepals and Petals

I am starting this blog to record what I see each week. I have been doing #365DaysofBotany which requires a post of a different plant seen each day. I started this as a self education project but now with being limited to where I can walk from my home and plants in my garden it has become increasing difficult- but I have managed it!

My new plan is to post every few days in this blog keeping to the spirit of the challenge and still learning.

I have never blogged before. I asked @Barbus59 for advice and he said go for it! So here comes my botanical and blogging learning journey. 

Please feel free to offer advice. I look forward to your comments.


  1. i'm glad that you have entered The Blogosphere! I wish you success and hours of absorbing fun.

  2. Thank you. A simple start but it's a start!

  3. Fantastic Anne! Good luck with your blogging! Will you be vlogging anytime soon? 😉

    1. Thanks. I think a simple blog is challenge enough!😃

  4. Thanks. Fingers crossed for next post. 😊

  5. Thanks. Fingers crossed for next post.
